Johannes Gutenberg University


The University of Mainz is a medium sized university with nearly 35,000 students. What’s more, it is one of the only campus-based universities in the whole of Germany as nearly all of its departments and institutes are to be located on one site, just to the west of the city centre. The University of Mainz is proud of the fact that it has one of the highest percentages of international students (over 12 %) in the whole of Germany. The university has also established partnerships with institutes all over the world, with particular focus on Europe, South America, Eastern Asia, Afica and the Near East, developing a international network of academic contacts.

The University of Mainz offers a wide spectrum of programs, ranging from the Humanities to Natural and Social Sciences, from Business Administration and Economics to Medicine, Art, Music and Sport.

Click here for more information about the university.

VIDEO: "Welcome to Mainz University"